(New board, as the last was becoming too long, last few responses)
Captain shrugged, the name sounded familiar but he was getting old and his memory wasn't the same. "I'm Captain. Ain't you the one who came back with lil' Ziekie?" He asked, remembering when the anatomical wolf returned with another wolf, after exploring with his father. "Good ok Ziekie. He seems tuh has a good head in his shoulders." Captain complimented the well raises wolf, watching the female frolic in the water. "Has ye ver gone fer a surf?" He pondered out loud.
"Oh...Well Okay." She told him, still a little unsure about the strange wolf beside him. "I don't know if we have formally met?...I'm Fern."she told him as she looked at him with her big gold eyes. She then frolicked into the water a bit more. She loved how it felt in her paws, even if it was cold.
Enkai ~+~ Though she calmed down somewhat, the sea-wolf was still wary of the green one and stayed very close to Captain. Her sail deflated and she peeked around her friend at the strange wolf. "Fern-uh..." She repeated quietly to herself. "Cammu backwith alail Zeekee. Good headu on shuh-olders. Shuh-olders. Gonn for surfa." Enkai blinked her large black eyes and came back from Captain's side a little and ****ed her head at Fern.
"Aiyurr woluff in waderr. Starangah."
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
She smiled at the one called Captain. "Yes, Eziek is a friend of mine." she told him. "Ummm sure...I don't think I've ever been surfing before. But I'll give it a try." she told him. She then ****ed her head at the odd wolf next to him. What was she saying?
As they flew closer to the beach he spotted his old worn down boat that Captain had found for his family to live in. "There it is! Marine Gulf!" he shouted with excitement. "Wow, I haven't seen this place in ages..." he said out loud. "You can land anywhere." he told her as he looked up at the giant bird that was holding him.
She dropped him off near the edge of the water but she didn't land. She dove into the water as a bird with a little splash. Soon after that there was a blue shark circling around in the water. It hadn't really been that long since she had been in the water but it felt like it had and she was happy.
He jumped into the water, the beach was warmer than the mountains. "Whoa! You gotta warn me before you do that." he told the shark with a nervous chuckle. "See that ship over there?" he asked as he pointed to it. "I grew up there, might have even been born there..." he told her. The beach made him miss his sister. He flattened his ears.
She dove underwater and wehn she came back up she was a female version of him again. She liked to shift a lot, something that wasn't her real self. She bumped up against "Whats the matter?" He looked sad, she thought the beach was going to make him happy.
He chuckled at Enkai's attempt to mimic his words, giving her a sympathetic smile with an encouraging nod. "That's there is guh-reat, Enkai, but I assume that this here beaut would much ra'er know bout churself, ra'er thun a repeats o' what I'ma sayin'." He smiled again, Turning to Fern. "This hurr, is Enkai. She is a beaut, is she not?" He grinned. "She can't breathe no air lyke us. She'sa wulfie who breathe water, neato, ain't it?" He said, looking out to sea as he quietly changed the tide into their favor, adding larger and larger waves slowly, trying to measure out the perfect wave.
"Now lemme tellya sumthin' about surfin'." He grinned, randomly galloping off and running into the old beached ship he had given to the family that had been there what felt like almost a year ago.
Picking up a few pieces of fallen wood, Captain carried them back and placed them in a pile. "First, ye needs a surf board." He smiled, handing on to Fern, and then handing another to Enkai, saving the last for himself.
He flew above the ocean enjoying himself in the wind. He wasn't using his element to fly, just stretching them out naturally. He lowered himself to run his paw over the surface of water, it was nice and cool. The air wolf raised back up and circled around looking at the water.
He shrugged, "I just kinda miss my family is all..." he told her with a frown. He remembered when his mother died on the beach, his world almost ended. Kenna was the only one who gave him the same comfort. "You wanna walk around? The water is kinda cold." he suggested.
She didn't know to sympathize so she waited then laughed and rolled her eyes. "Alright then you big baby, we'll get out." She said to him playfully then headed to the shore.
He smiled and then bumped into her as they reached shore. He noticed Captain and some other wolves he has never met in the shallow water. "Let's go say Hi, I know that wolf over there." he told her. As he walked down the beach.
She nodded. "Okay!" she said as she took the surf board, she liked the way it felt because it reminded her of trees. It was a little short so she made it grow out with her element.
His walk turned into a brisk pace, "Hey, what's up Captain?" he asked as he padded up to him. The beach seemed unsually empty. He looked around. "Where is everyone?" he asked. "Oh...Karan, this is my friend Captain, Captain this is my new friend Karan. " he introduced them. He then turned to the females. "Hey! I'm Jayce!" he said. He then looked at Karan and smiled.
"Ahahaha, Arr then, Let us begi... Ahoy!" Captain paused to see a very familiar looking wolf approaching, and his large smile seemed to become even larger from the joy of the reunion with what used to be a little tyke. "Ahoy, Jayce me matey! How ye been these fine days? Why, ye grown so much lassy!" He grinned, reaching out to nudge the male in a reuinion nudge, rather than a hug. "We be headin' our fer a surf. Ye and yur friend wantsa join us?" He asked, giving a mighty fine smile to the newer wolf. "Allo, beaut!" He said, offering a smile. "Ima haff tuh find us a few more boards, that is." He nodded, waiting befoe setting out to find more old broken wood.
"I've been alright...been through some drama with my sister, Kenna. You remember her right?" he asked. He then looked around. "Where's Masika?...and Eziek?...or Mizuki?" he asked since the beach looked kind of dead. It was never this quiet. "Sure, I'll go surfing...Haven't done that since I was a pup." he told him. "I don't think Karan will need a surf board." he said as he smiled at her.
She giggled at Captain, he had a funny way of talking. "Nice to meet you. Jayce is right, I prefer to just swim." Back in her pack they had something like this surfing but she never really got into it. She looked over to Fern but she just stared at Enkai and got right up to her without notcing herself walking to her. She grinned, this wolf was strange but she liked that "You're so...cool." She said and transformed into an exact copy of Enkai.
Enkai ~+~ The sea-wolf blinked as she was offered a piece of wood. She looked at it strangely. "Tuhree flattah. Why flattah?" She wondered before hauling herself out of the water and onto the board. Looking much like a bathed cat, Enkai dug her nails into the board and became stiff and rigid, her tail going every which way in order to keep her balance. She had gotten fairly okay at it before a strange wolf showed up and she tumbled into the water.
Enkai gave a swift hiss at the newcommer before sinking lower and growling. Her eyes flicked over to Captain. He knew this one...? She settled down somewhat, but still remained mostly hidden with only the top of her head poking out.
Once yet ANOTHER wolf came closer, and turned into HER, Enkai snapped and flared her sail. She pounced on the imposter, trying to push her under the waves before hopping off and slinking back a ways, her sides flashing a warning pattern and her needle-like teeth barred in a constant snarl.
"Hisu! Hisu! Senaka no oni o nyushu! Motonimodosu! Motonimodosu!" She hissed in her native tongue, tail violently swishing from side to side. She angrily lashed at the water. "Motonimodosu!"
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
She laughed as she was pushed underwater and didn't come back up. Instead, she turned into a dolphin and swam around in the cold water before jumping and shifting back to looking like female Jayce and she shivered "It didn't get this cold where I'm from."
"Arrr, the trio, ye ask?" Captain asked, eyes pinned on Jayce as if nothing matter in the world besides explaining what happened to the group. "They be on an adddventure!" He said, not knowing the story at all, just making something up. "The three O' them are unseperable, that be sure. I seen 'em travel out into the forest. Ol' Mizuki lookin old, these days." He gave a gruff laugh. "Aye wouldn't let age get tuh me, Aye still feel like a two yur old!" He said, spinning in a circle as if showing off the life he still felt inside. Young at heart, but age was taking a toll on Captain - He just didn't show it, because he felt if he didn't believe in it, it wouldn't catch up to him.
"Aye, if ye say so." Captain said, now turning his look towards Karan and Enkai, which made him pad over, paws splashing through the waves that curled to his feet.
"Aye, Enkai. Dun be a'fraide." He tried to explain, standing next to Karan. "Us wolfies just lookin' fer a good time." He set his gaze on Karan, giving her a friendly smile. "She dun meen no harm. Let's surf then, Aye?" Turning back to Fern, he wondered if she would still join them. With a kick of his back leg, he flipped his 'surf board' over his head and into the water before him. Giving a few good runs, Captain lept onto it and slid down the sand and water, as if skin boarding before switching to jump over a wave, and end up out in the sea. "Arrr, ye comin', lasses?" He called out to the group, hoping they would join in. "Jayce, ye can use ma lucky board, it's back behind ye there." He called, motioning his paw back upon the tip of the beach, pointing out a board that was sticking out of the sand near the trees.
She followed Captain and splashed past Enkai. "Be....Nice..." She growled. She then paddled on her board the best she could. She tried having all of her body on the board because she didn't want to touch the super cold water. She yipped because she was struggling.
He listened to Captain as he told the story about his old friends. "Ahh Okay, Well I hope their doing alright In this snow storm." He told Captain, a little worried about his friends along with his sister. He then looked at Karan, "Do you still want to swim?" he asked her. "Oh, alright Captain...One sec!" he shouted out to him as he watched him paddle out.
Enkai ~+~ Despite Captain's close proximity, Enkai still felt on edge. There were too many new things in too short a time. She growled and snapped at the green female as she passed. Stiff-legged she frowned into the surf, not really wanting to go surfing with anyone. Lifting off from the sand, she swam very much like an eel past the others, honestly considering flipping one of the surfboards over, but decided not to. Captain would be mad at her.
So instead she dove downwards in search of a good meal.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
She growled back at the hostile female. She then scrambled on her board and again made it longer, she accidently made some branches sprout off of the peice of wood. Now it looked like she was riding a tree. She made a bunch of yips as she tried to paddle closer to Captain. She didn't feel comfortable in the water by herself.
She nodded at Jayce "Yeah, I'm just fine to swim with you guys." she jumped back into the water and quickly turned into a blue shark. She swam around waiting for the others before doing anything.
He nodded. "Alrighty..." he said as he grabbed Captains lucky board and bounded off into the water. He was a little rusty but after awhile he seemed to get the hang of surfing. "Karan!....Catch us some fish yeah?" He called out to her. He was pretty hungry. He then remembered when Kiara taught him how to fish when he was younger. 'I wonder what happened to her?' he thought to himself. Then a good sized wave came towards him and he quickly stood up on all fours on his board and started to ride the wave.
She looked at Jayce before diving underneath the water to do some hunting. This is where she felt most at home, not on land but in the water as a shark. She missed the friends she made from the sharks but that was in the past. She swam through the water searching the water for fish, she didn't know what each fish was called so she just randomly grabbed them and threw onto the shore.
The male watched as Enkai yet again disappeard into the darkness, sad to see her go, but figuring she wouldn't enhjoy being up with his new friends, anyways. "Arrr, that's it, nice job!" He chuckled at Jayce, remembering teaching the lad when he was younger. His eyes turned to Fern as she seemed to struggle, and he dipped his tail down into the water, not only making the temperature a bit less freezing, but also controlling the wave she was on, making her glide towards him. "Like this!" He said, grinning.
Suddenly, the wave they were on became rather large, lifting them up to the skies as he controlled her board with his tail, using the water to both push her from side to side when she drifted, and propell her forwards. It was almost as if she didn't have to do any work at all. Captain naturally knew how to surf, so he just began to glide along, not focused on any tricks, just enjoying the wave as he tried to keep Fern balanced on her board.
Hook flapped into the air at the sudden lift of the waves, realising just what Captain was up too. As usual, he flapped off to a nearby tree, preferring to stay dry. If his wings did get wet, he never could fly and honestly, couldn't swim either.. so he just watched his wolf from afar, whistling things and cherping words that Captain had said, along with his famous: "Land ho!"
-- Edited by Munsteh on Wednesday 14th of November 2012 12:41:52 PM
Ooc; Lol Sarah. I'm pretty sure Lass and Lassy is a term for a girl. For boy It's Lad and Laddy.
He went through the tube of the wave. "Whoaaaa!" he said as it was so cool to be inside of the wave. He then got on a another wave that was much bigger, he waved to Captain but then soon after he wiped out and flew right on top of Karan. "Ummmfff!" he made a sound as he fell hard.
She felt more comfortable as Captain came over and started to smile. She was still afraid of the big water, she wasn't used to it and she was far away from anything green. But after awhile she felt more comfortable. She giggled and then tried to stand up. Her little green legs were shaky but she stood up and did what Captain told her to do.
She was happily holding a great tasting fish in her jaws when Jayce landed on her making her jaws snap together, biting the fish in half. She opened on to watch some bog fish get away with the pieces of hers. She sighed before bucking him off and returning to her true form "I'll have you know, Sir, that you owe me a really good fish."
When she bucked him off he went flying in the air again and then he fell back into the water. He swam back up to the surface. He then started to laugh, "I'm sorry!...It was the wave's fault." he said with a smile. "Alright, Alright..." he said as he dove back in the cold water. He held his breath and looked around for a fish. He then saw a colorful looking angel fish that was stuck in some kelp. 'Perfect' he thought to himself. He then swam down and stuck it with his claw. He then swam back up with the angel fish still stuck in his claws. He was gasping for air. He hadn't held his breath for that long before. "Here..." he told her as he tossed her the fish.
She caught the fish in her mouth with a 'hmph' and started her way towards the shore. This fish didn't taste as good as the one she lost but she wasn't really upset, she just wanted to see if she could mess with him. She sat on the shore by the pile of fidh she had already caught, eating the colorful one he caught her looking irritated.
"Hey! Wait!" he told her as he swam back to shore. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to lose your fish...it was a big wave and I just like crashed." he tried to explain himself as he shook out his bright green fur. It was now freezing on the beach, and there was no where to seek shelter from the snow and the coldness really except for the old boat but it looked like the boat wasn't holding up to good anymore. He gobbled up a couple of the fish she had caught for them. "Thanks..." He told her. He then looked at her, she still looked mad. "Aww, C'mon! Don't be mad at me!" he told her as he tackled her into the sand playfully. He looked down at her, "You wanna go somewhere else? The wind is getting crazy, and it's Hella cold out here." he told her while trying to keep her pinned.
She attempted to keep the mad look up but when he tackled her she broke into a smile, before flipping him over to where he was pinned under her. "But we just got her just a little bit ago and I don't want to drag yourself away from a friend you haven't seen in a while." she said as she got off.
"Yeah, well he seems to be busy with that little green female over there." he told her. "Captain's always gonna be on the beach...We can come back when the weather is back...besides if we go to the forest I'll bet we'll run into more of my friends." He told her As he shivered while he was pinned under her. He then pushed her off and brushed the sand off of him.
She was reluctant to leave the water so soon. But she couldn't just be some recluse, always off by herself. Besides, hanging out with Jayce was fun "Alright then, lets go to the forest."
He nodded and then turned to the water and whistled at Captain. "Bye Captain!...We're gonna go look for Masika and them!" He shouted to the old water wolf as he waved good bye. "I'll be back!" he said. Then he turned back to Karan, "You Ready?" He asked her.
"No." She said and walked over to the pile and grabbed one more fish then walked back over. Her head changed into a big shark's then she chewed up the fish and swallowed before shifting her head back to normal "Okay, now I'm ready."
He chuckled as the female seemed to get a tad more comfortable, and turned as Jayce seemed to leave just as fast as he arrived. Giving a nod, Captain raised a paw from his board and waved, offering his toothy grin. "Arrr, me matey, tell them seadog's aye says ahoy!" He called back towards the acid wolf, giving a grin. "Savvy?" He said, figuring the male wouldn't have heard since he was in such a rush to leave. Aye, what life he had. Captain admired his adventure.
Turning to look back at Fern, he hoped that his minor mishap of forgetting about her didn't knock her off the board. "How ye doin'?" He asked, not admitting that he wasn't guiding her anymore, trying to see if she could handle it on her own. He carefully dipped his tail in the water again, prepared to adjust if she did so happen to slip. "Ye be a land lubber!" He chuckled, "Need some sea legs, arrrr!"
"Good...I think" she said as she started to swerve a little bit. Still not really knowing what she was doing. She had no idea that he wasn't guiding her anymore. They then started going through the tube. "Ahhh!" she said as she closed her eyes.
The male laughed as she seemed to be getting the grasp of it, and just to be silly as they reached the tube he surfed up and around it, holding himself upside down as he used his element to have the water grab him. Grinning down as her he turned back the way he came and then surfed around her, not helping any more. "Arrr! Ye be a gud surfer' Fernie." He said, winking at her before surfing up ahead of her and out of the tube. He then brought himself and his 'board' up to the stop of the wave where he got some air and lept off of his board, diving into the ocean with a big splash.
She giggled at him, but when she actually realized she wasn't being helped anymore she got nervous and her board began to wobble. "Ahhhh!" She shouted as she forgot what to do. She wiped out and the wave crashed over her. Her board flew in the air and landed next to Captain. She quickly swam up to the surface, gasping for air. She wasn't the best swimmer. She swam towards Captain, all her fur wet and stuck to her. She looked like a little wet cat.
As he resurfaced and saw Ferna board next to his, he looked around frantically for a moment before seeing her. Laughing at her looks he gave a good hearted chucke and jumped, standing intop of the water now as he used the water as stilts, holding him on top of the surface. "Arr, ye land lubber. Lets get chya outta here. Hold on! He laughed and held up a paw, making her board come to life by moving the water around it, compressin water on top of it and around it to make the wood dive down and scoop under Fern, lifting her to the surface and pushing the water off of the board. He grinned and made anlinature wave that maneuvered the female towards the shore line, while he walked by her side still on top of the water, each step making water push up to hold him up, a neat trick he liked to do.
She nodded in agreement that she wanted out of the water now. "Yes! Yes!" she said. Her face lit up as Captain pushed her along the water. "Weeeee!" She shouted out as she put her paws up in the air like a pup. When they finally reached the surface she turned around to face Captain. "Thank you!" she said and then shook out her fur.
The male chuckle as she reached the shore and nodded to her as she thanked him. "Aye mate. That be what friends are for." He said, tail wagging as he looked back out to the ocean. Since Fern was safe, Captain took sail to the water as he made his way out, an just for fun he grabbed both of the surf boards, hopping up on one with his front legs and the other with his back legs. Catching his balance was easy in the water, and as he continued to control the waves, Captain surfed around, performing unbelievable tricks since he had his own trick up his sleeve. A water wolf could only afford so muh energy, and although Captains experience with waves was incredible he was still a bit older and growing a bit more tired as the waves carried on. Eventually the male seized the waves and he laid on his back looking to the clouds as he rested on the ocean.